The office is closed to the public due to safety precautions. Applicants and residents are by appointment only. Accepting 2 and 3 bedroom applications. Apply Now

Contact Us: (727) 937-4411
Fax: (727) 279-2814

Latest News

Quality housing that is affordable for low to moderate income individuals and families.

November 2020


Our office will continue to be closed to all “Walk-In” traffic due to the small size of our lobby which makes social distancing a challenge. You must call to make an appointment. There is a drop box located to the right of our front door that is checked every work day. We are continuing to conduct Annual Renewals by mail. However, we do understand there may be times and situations where you have to visit the office. The Property Manager will determine if an appointment is needed and can schedule an appointment with you at that time. Masks are required during the appointment.

One woman holding a calendar to make an appointment

November 2020

Office Closures and Cancellations

We are closely monitoring the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation as your health and safety is our main concern. Therefore, Tarpon Springs Housing Authority’s office will continue to be closed to the public until further notice. Please call the office if you have any issues that need resolved or you want to place an emergency work order. Maintenance staff will continue regular work orders at this time.

Please utilize our drop box located conveniently to the right of our front door. You can also fax documents to (727) 279-2814. Please be sure to keep a fax confirmation to prove proper transmission of the document, and to avoid any misunderstanding.

Please monitor our website for updates. Please stay safe and we will update our procedures as necessary.

For the most recent updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about COVID-19 please visit these links.

What you need to know about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) PDF

Stop the Spread of Germs PDF

Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 PDF

What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) PDF

How COVID-19 Spreads

Blue surgical mask and hand sanitizer

Enhancing the Community

The Tarpon Springs Housing Authority has a unique, warm and professional culture as we work each and every day to help individuals and families obtain quality long-term housing that meets their needs and goals.